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In this world, you will visit a library filled with countless games from all eras and genres. This library is controlled by an ancient AI that decides to test the knowledge and intuition of players. It will provide various riddles and hints, and you will have to guess what it is about.


The main character is a young enthusiast who dreams of becoming the greatest expert of all time. Upon entering the building, he encounters an opponent who invites him to take part in Gamedle. If you can complete all the levels and answer all the questions, the enemy will reveal a secret challenge to you.

It is stored in the very depths and is unknown even to the most avid fans. Users are provided with a fragment of an image, a musical theme, a description of the storyline or another element. His task is to understand what game is being discussed.


  1. Hints
  2. Variety
  3. Points and Achievements
  4. Gradually Increasing Difficulty
  5. Secret Material


Gamedle is a holiday for all fans, offering a fascinating journey through the history of the industry. The process makes you remember long-forgotten hits, as well as discover new, unknown projects. This is a great option for anyone who wants to test their knowledge in this topic.