Ragdoll Hit

Ragdoll Hit

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Players find themselves in a world where the main entertainment is spectacular arena fights. The main character is a young fighter who decided to take part in the Ragdoll Hit tournament. He wants to prove his strength and agility. The competition attracts a variety of participants: from street fighters to real professionals, each of whom has a unique style and technique.

Rules and Objectives

As the game progresses, the character encounters new opponents, each of whom is a difficult test. Each fight is not only a test of endurance, but also an opportunity to learn new techniques, improve your skills and move closer to the final.


  1. Physics
  2. Variety of Arenas
  3. Many Opponents
  4. Improvements and Rewards


Enjoy movements and blows that are always unpredictable and spectacular! Each location in Ragdoll Hit offers traps that can both help and hinder the battlefield. Fans will have to learn how to use the environment to their advantage.

Learn to understand your enemies and create a unique strategy that will bring instant success! In the game, you can also earn points that can be spent on upgrades, acquiring new skills and increasing stamina. Learn to adapt to different conditions!