Slender Multiplayer

Slender Multiplayer

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This is a horror game where our guests will go into a dark and ominous environment filled with tension and fear. Here you will not only have to survive, but also interact with other users, creating unique dynamic moments. Are you ready to go to the end?

Main Storyline

Slender Multiplayer begins in an abandoned forest, where several participants will play the role of survivors who find themselves in a world engulfed in horror. A mysterious creature lives here, hunting people. The goal is to escape from it and complete certain tasks.

Main tasks:

  1. Explore the Territory
  2. Collect All Pages
  3. Avoid the Monster
  4. Hide


Fans start the game with various items and tools that will help them survive as long as possible. Missions include collecting diary entries hidden throughout the location, which contain important information about the enemy and how to defeat him. Each of them provides clues about the location.

Collaborate with strangers or friends to get the results you want faster. You can also engage in conflicts and sabotage each other, which adds tension and strategy. In Slender Multiplayer, the creepy creature will become angrier and more dangerous with each passing minute. Can you handle it?