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Today, players will go to the world of creativity. The game focuses on the ability to recognize and identify works of art, understanding styles, techniques, and masters of different eras. It will be too exciting, so enjoy the aesthetics!


Users take on the role of a young and ambitious art historian. He gets a unique opportunity to work in a famous museum. It is known for its extensive collections of masterpieces, but due to recent events, many of them have been moved. Now they need to be correctly recognized and returned to their places in Artle.


Dozens of levels await you in the game, each of which is dedicated to a certain period or trend. From the Renaissance to modern trends! Your goals are to recognize paintings by their style and other characteristics. For example, to determine which of the great masters painted a certain picture. Or to which trend this or that work belongs.


  1. Recognition Fragments
  2. Hints and Tools
  3. Collecting
  4. Progress and Training

In Artle you can feel like a real professional, restoring lost collections and delving into the process. Here, everyone can also enjoy the atmosphere and get rid of stress or tension. This is a great chance to learn and confirm your knowledge.