City Guesser

City Guesser

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City Guesser is a perfect option for travel and geography lovers. Here, players have to guess the city from a video recording. The process offers a unique virtual tourism experience, allowing everyone to travel to different parts of the world without leaving their home. It will be amazing, are you ready?


The plot of the game is built around the idea that users find themselves in a random place on the planet. Their task is to determine which city it is in as quickly as possible.

Small fragments show real views:

  1. Streets
  2. Buildings
  3. People
  4. Nature
  5. Transport


These and other elements can help in identifying the location. Participants need to carefully observe the details to understand where exactly it is. Each round of City Guesser begins with you seeing a video shot from the eye level of a passerby. It can show a metropolis, quiet suburban areas, famous landmarks or hidden corners.

Based on what you saw, you must make your guess and point to a point on the map. For correct answers, you get points. The faster and more accurately the choice was made, the more points are awarded in the game. If your opinion was wrong, use another attempt, but the number of possible options is limited.