Find The Invisible Cow

Find The Invisible Cow

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This is a fun and casual game that gives players a simple but extremely entertaining task. Can you find the animal that is hidden on the screen? There are no complex strategies or long storylines – everything comes down to one goal, but this is what makes it so exciting.


You are a detective who specializes in the most unusual cases. Your latest task seems absurd at first glance. You must find livestock that has somehow become transparent. No one knows how this happened or why, but all you have in Find The Invisible Cow is your ears and the desire to solve this mystery.

What awaits you here:

  1. Instructions
  2. Simple test
  3. Checking Reflexes and Hearing

Rules and Task

When you start the game, the screen is completely white, and you need to hover your mouse cursor to spot the creature. Your only helper is a sound signal, which becomes louder and more insistent as you get closer to it. By focusing on this, users will be able to complete the mission quickly.

After completing a level, fans move on to the next one, where everything starts over again. Each time it becomes more and more difficult to get to the end. Even the hint does not seem to help as much as before. Find The Invisible Cow constantly keeps you in suspense.