One Million Checkboxes

One Million Checkboxes

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One Million Checkboxes is a unique and addictive challenge that is a kind of experiment. It will test your patience, perseverance and determination. The main goal is to mark all the cells placed on one endless screen. Will you be able to cope with it?


The game begins with a simple screen on which there are a huge number of empty cells. The plot does not have traditional narrative elements, but it is a test for players. At first, the task seems incredibly simple, but as the user progresses, he realizes how difficult and time-consuming this activity becomes.

It trains:

  1. Perseverance
  2. Concentration
  3. Attentiveness
  4. Agility

Psychological test

One Million Checkboxes tests not only the patience, but also the determination of fans. Some may find the process monotonous and boring, while others will see it as a meditative activity. Do you want to disconnect from the outside world and focus on one action?

Since the game does not have complex mechanics, motivation depends entirely on his personal goals and ambitions. Someone may set a goal to mark a certain number of squares per day, others – to enjoy without setting strict limits. Get various rewards and achievements that encourage you to continue.