Poop Clicker

Poop Clicker

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Poop Clicker is a humorous and at the same time strange challenge. Here you have to click on the image to earn as many points as possible. The process is a parody of popular ones, offering players a fun and unusual way to spend time.


The story of the game begins in a fantasy world where feces have become the new currency. The task of users is to become the richest in this new and extraordinary society. Your character accidentally discovers a magical poop, which, if you click on it, you can get a huge amount of wealth. Inspired by this find, he decides to dedicate his life to accumulating as much of it as possible in order to become a king.

You can get:

  1. Upgrades
  2. Hiring Workers
  3. Automatic Earnings


Poop Clicker is extremely simple: you click on the central photo to earn coins. With this you can buy upgrades that increase the number of objects per tap or much more. With each improvement purchase your business will grow, turning from a small hobby into a large-scale empire.

This game will become more and more absurd and funny, which adds an unusual and fun tone. There is a reset system here, which allows you to start over, but with greater possibilities. Are you ready to relax and enjoy the atmosphere?